Welcome to the fourth in our series on the theme of What’s the time? This week we look at Luke 1: 39 – 55 and reflect on the fact that It’s time to glorify God. Some may know this passage as Mary’s song or the Magnificat.

The service can be watched here or via our YouTube channel.


Also available here are the slides used in the service and the order of service.

20211912 What’s the time (4)It’s time to glorify God Luke 1. 39 – 55

20211912 Order of service 19th December 2021 – Whats the time (4) Its time to praise God Luke 1 39-55

Songs/Hymns used in the service

These are alternative song /hymn for you to use when joining us online. Simple stop the service video and return here to join in with the song/hymn, then go back to the service video above.

Praise is rising

Blessed be your name

Come thou long-expected Jesus

Tell out my soul