Welcome to our service for Sunday 23rd January 2022. This continues our theme of Making sense of the times, this week we are looking at “An enduring kingdom” and is based on Daniel 2: 24 – 49.

A shortened recorded version of the service is available here for those unable to join us in person on the day. This can be watched here or via our YouTube channel.


Also available here are the slides used in the service plus the order of service.

Recording An enduring kingdom

04. MAKING SENSE OF THE TIMES (2) An enduring kingdom – Daniel 2.24-49 (23.01.2022)


Songs used in the service

The songs will be sung live but for those joining online here are alternative YouTube versions.

Men of Faith

How can I keep from singing?

King of Kings, Majesty

Who can know the mind of our creator?

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty