This concludes our theme on the Pentecost promises and takes the topic of “The Promises Fulfilled” based on Acts 2: 22-41.

This service will be available from Sunday morning on the 30th May 2021, it can be watched directly on YouTube via the Bowthorpe Church channel/account or via this webpage.

The slides and the order of service are available to download here if required.

23A. PENTECOST PROMISES (4) order of service (30.05.2021)

23B. PENTECOST PROMISES (4) ppt (30.05.2021)

Songs and videos used in this service

10 000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)

Pentecost Explained (with puppets)

Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God

The Greatest Thing in all my Life

In Christ Alone

Music after the service
